Is the Next Silicon Valley in China? Hi-Tech Cities in the Middle Kingdom

Is the Next Silicon Valley in China? Hi-Tech Cities in the Middle Kingdom

Is the Next Silicon Valley in China? Hi-Tech Cities in the Middle Kingdom  ●  By Yoav Vollansky  ●  11/12/2018

If you ask people in the western hemisphere what they know about Xi’an, they may tell you that this is a city in China, that it was a majestic ancient capital, that it is the home of a large Terracotta Warriors army and that some powerful and megalomanic emperors once ruled there. Avid hikers may boast about climbing a nearby sacred mountain called Hua Shan. But Xi’an of our days, just like China as a whole, is looking for ways to reinventing itself.

Precisely in a place of such historical significance, which is also one of the hallmarks of the Chinese culture, a tremendous effort is made to engineer a city that will be much more than a revolving door for tourists who come, take a few snapshots and more on. Like China as a whole, which is trying to change its role in the world and transform itself from a manufacturing country to one that invents, there, too, resonates the word that sanctifies every technological project in China during the last decade: innovation.

The Terracotta Warriors Army in the archeological site near Xi'an. Photo by Will Clayton

The Terracotta Warriors Army in the archeological site near Xi’an. Photo by Will Clayton

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We don’t just speak Chinese, we speak China

We don’t just speak Chinese, we speak China  ●  By מדברים סינית  ●  15/10/2018

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