הפתרונות שלנו בסין ובישראל
Translation is an important element in localization but it’s not the only one. Additionally, we can provide the range of technical solutions required as part of localization of an App or a website. Our collaboration with Chinese development companies will enable a quick and smooth migration of a localized website, as well as the development of a new App or website from scratch.
Simultaneous or followed translation from and to Chinese, English and other languages. Transcription of recordings or videos with cultural context in mind and specialization in various professional subjects. Whether it is a website, promotional video, presentation or even posts on social media, we can create rich and interesting content in Chinese for you that would speak to the heart of the reader in his mother’s tongue.
Whether you are visiting China with a delegation or hosting a Chinese one, a professional accompanying from reception and thoughout the visit is an important factor in the success of a nuance-rich intercultural interaction. Responsible consultation will ensure an effective visit and formation of a long lasting relationship. A Chinese speaking expert to your team will facilitate deeper understanding and could bridge over difference of culture, language and code.
Searching, collecting and analyzing OSINT information from the Chinese web and Chinese social media sphere, including its translation and compilation to reports of varying levels of depth. Quick, reliable and discrete research of people, companies, industries and government policy. Reporst can indluce data analysis, BI and rich visual insights as infographics or dynamic dashboards.
Way before the design of your Chinese logo or writing the script for the promotional video, it is first important for us to understand the market, target audience and marketing channels. Only then where the research and branding ends, beings the creative process. Our experienced production team will mold an identity to your product or service that fits China like a glove.
Social media presence is an important factor in marketing strategy. Besides that, the quickest way to exposure in targeted audiences is via media channels, content delivery Apps, articles in websites, videos and online KOL steaming. Using these means will position your product or service in the forefront of the digital podium. Write us to learn more about our partner media channels in China.
A company’s variety of needs in China requires a variety of tailored solutions. From the first step in China or during ongoing visits, we are set to support ad-hoc projects as well as routine activity. From assistance in opening a company, preparation and accompanying in meetings, to event production or managing your project, sourcing partners and clients, and more.
Many of the obstacles on the way to good connection originate in cultural differences. knowledge and mutual understanding can save resources and time as well as prevent misunderstanding. Our connections with professinals who give talks and lectures are at your disposal: either in Chinese, about western culture and business, or in English regarding China’s numerous aspects, from history to business to modern thought.
צוות מומחי סין שהקים את ״מדברים סינית״ החל להתגבש כבר לפני יותר מעשור, כאשר לכל אחד מחבריו הגיע תחום התמחות שונה. עם תמיכת הקהילה הענפה שלנו, החברים, היועצים והמומחים, אנחנו ערוכים להשלים משימות קטנות כגדולות.
Lived in Beijing since 2010. Yoav is a data scientist, Economics and East Asia Studies graduate from Tel Aviv University and a visiting scholar in Renmin University in Modern China Studies. Awarded the Chinese Government and the Confucius Scholarships. Yoav worked as a media stratagist and product manager for a big Chinese broadcast network and led collaborations with foreign networks on creative and organizational initiatives. He is experienced in competitive and technical research in China and abroad in the fields of communication, internet and social media, and is currently working on Data Science and NLP projects in Chinese and other Asian languages.
Ex-military intelligence officer and a graduate of Haifa University and Shanghai Normal University. Specializes in information research on the web and particularly on the Chinese web sphere with 15 years of experience. Ran orchestrates the collection, translation and analysis of information regarding markets, competitors and partners in China, as well as public opinion, opportunities and risks, and very familiar with financial reports and policy papers. He is experienced in data mining from social media, and specializes in monitoring the burgeoning Chinese video scene. Started learning Chinese a decade ago, and lived in Beijing, Shanghai and Dali between 2011-2014.
Dagan has lived in Beijing since 2004. Graduated from Beijing Film Academy and the founder of the media company BrainJuice. Specializes in directing, writing, editing and production of television shows and different media content in Chinese language. Worked in the cultural department of the Israeli embassy in Beijing for 5 years and has created corporations, common tours and film production in China for Israel’s leading artists. Dagan is experienced in marketing in representation of Israeli companies in China. In the last decade, he has been writing for leading magazines in Chinese and has been working on his own novel in Chinese.
Amit has lived in Beijing since 2009. Graduated as cum laude in East Asian Studies from Tel Aviv University and was awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship for study in China. Amit has worked for China Radio International as chief editor for four years and in 2015 has established a WeChat blog in Chinese about the Jewish culture with more than ten thousand subscribers. Amit is a columnist for Times or Israel, and experienced in written and oral translation for business, government and PMs. Amit held cultural lectures in Chinese and have developed content for social media in China.
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